Wednesday 22 August 2012

Floral Nails: Take 2

These are not my best nail art by far but it is such a simple and easy design that I thought I would post it. 


Step One: Gather your 'ingredients'

Step Two: Paint your nails using 'Racing Green' from the Barry M range. 

Step Three: Using the yellow nail art pen, paint three dots on your nail at equal spacing to each other.

Step Four: Using the white nail art pen, draw little lines around the yellow dot like petals. I found this quite difficult. If you do too, try doing little dots.

AND VOILA!!  There you have it!

I'm getting a lot of practise doing nails so hopefully the only way is up!

Chloe x

Tuesday 21 August 2012

10 Day 'You' Challenge: Day One

Ok, so I think I'm going to do this challenge, although it actually seems quite difficult haha!

Day One: 1 picture of yourself
Day Two: 2 songs
Day Three: 3 films
Day Four: 4 books
Day Five: 5 foods
Day Six: 6 places
Day Seven: 7 wants
Day Eight: 8 fears
Day Nine: 9 loves
Day Ten: 10 secrets


Here's a photo of me and my boyfriend Seb. I literally never take photos of me by myself so this is the most recent one where I look half decent! It was a 1950s party (i think we were the only ones who dressed up-rage!).

Thursday 9 August 2012

Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Edinburgh has had glorious sunshine this week (for once!) so I thought I may as well bask in this, and what better way to do that then at the fringe!

I can imagine that if I didn't live in Edinburgh, I would love the fringe 100x more than I do but if I'm just doing ordinary day activities, it can be super annoying! Especially trying to get from one place to another!

However, I do enjoy it the other times! I'm just going to write a little bit about the 3 shows/events that I went too. I think I'll probably go to more but I'm back home at my parents the now.

Show One: Potter Trail

This is the blurb 'Grab a wand and join your robed guide on the only tour in Edinburgh designed especially for Potter fans! You’ll discover the magical locations that inspired characters and scenes in the series, visit the places where JK Rowling wrote the books and even learn about the real-life witches and wizards of medieval Edinburgh'

The tour was actually very good, although at one point, I thought I could probably do a better job at it, than the tour guide! 
The tour focused on objects and places which might have had an influence on JK Rowling whilst she was writing Harry Potter so it technically wasn't factual BUT there was far too much evidence for it not to be.

Lord Voldemort's Grave
This is probably my favourite photograph. The grave of Lord Voldemort. Although Riddell is spelled differently in the film (probably to spell the anagram 'I AM LORD VOLDEMORT'. It did definitely feel that we were actually at the grave! But did JK Rowling actually walk around that graveyard? NOBODY KNOWS! So it's up to your own judgement really.
They also gave out wands....The inner child in me & my friends came out.

Overall Score: 7/10

Many people know Jessie Cave as 'Lavender Brown' in Harry Potter. BUT she is so much more than that! She is a quirky, positive, hilarious girl that really does make you laugh! Her show was full of factual information PLUS lots of laughs! 

Overall Score: 9/10

He is one of my favourite comedians!! Although he is not brilliant on the tv -because it's simply doesn't work with his act. He plays a little keyboard and sings songs that are soo good! I was in the front row this time and my neck did hurt a little but it was worth it because last year, he was a tiny little dot. 
A must see though, I laughed far too much!

Overall Score: 10/10

Have you seen many shows?

Saturday 4 August 2012


Decided it was time to face the challenge and paint my nails flowery. I should have taken photos at each stage but I was just too excited to see how they would turn out. 

To be honest, they are not as hard as they look. A lot of people say that I must spend ages on my nails but it really only takes about 40 minutes max! 



How to achieve flowery nails:

1.  Firstly I painted all my nails in 'Spring Green' by Barry M. I love Barry M nail varnishes. They are cheap and come in all colours and they are pretty decent as well. Remember to put a base coat of clear nail varnish on!!!

2.  Using Model's Own 'Soda Pop Pink' I drew rough circles (about 4 per nail) on my nail, making sure there was enough space for leaves. Bit disappointed in this nail varnish. It is a lot lighter than advertised on the website. It looks like a peachy pink but I would say it's more a baby pink.

3.  Using the purple nail art pen from Rio, I drew random lines onto the pink circles. Not going to lie, it was just random squiggles however it actually worked!

4. Using the green nail art pen from Rio, I drew 2 leaves on each flower and hey presto, the nails were done!

This was actually one of my easier nails to do!

If you have any questions or enquiries, don't be afraid to ask!

Friday 20 July 2012

Welcome Home Edmund!

I've been begging my parents for years to get me a pet. I genuinely feel like I was the only person in school that had never owned a pet EVER. So you can imagine how super excited I was when my mum decided that I could get a hamster and the funny thing is, my parents actually adore him and dote on him all the time.

I was so lucky because there was only 3 hamsters left at Pets at Home and the other 2 were pure white and had blood red eyes. It was a shame but they were very creepy looking...

Running on his wheel.

He is such a shy little guy. After two days of just stroking him and talking to him, we took him out of his cage and we let him run around the floor. He ran all over my hands...ahh he's just so cute!

look at him in his tube sleeping.

I can't wait until he gets more confident with me! Also I posted the above photo on facebook and someone commented like 'it's not good for hamsters to climb up tubes!! hamsters have rights too'
so I looked this up and no where online does it state that it's not safe. ALSO, the pet shop lady pretty much said we had picked the best cage so...I just don't know.

I love him so much already!


Sunday 1 July 2012

I hope they win again, so this happens again.


Friday 22 June 2012

Goodnight Sweetheart, Goodnight

I have just spent the last couple of weeks watching this gem of a tv program! I was first introduced to Goodnight Sweetheart when I was younger but I was only 2 when it came out and it ended when I was 7 so I was a bit too young to watch it then. However, I started catching it on ITV3 in the mornings and I instantly got addicted!! I absolutely love anything from the 30s & 40s. I love the style, the attitude and just the general 'we're in this togetherness'.

The show is based on Gary Sparrow (played by Nicholas Lyndhurst). One day Gary is casually walking down an alleyway and he somehow finds himself in 1939(?). He thinks he is dreaming at first but fortunately for us, he isn't! He returns back to the 90s to his wife Yvonne (played by Michelle Holmes) and his best friend Ron (Victor McGuire). He decides to keep going back to the war time, where he meets a young girl, Phoebe (Played by Dervla Kirwan) who he falls in love with. The whole series continues with Gary living two lives in two different times.

The show is split from series 1-3 and 4-6 when the two main female characters left and got replaced.

Season 1-3

L-R; Ron (Victor McGuire), Yvonne (Michelle Holmes), Gary (Nicholas Lyndhurst, Reg (Christopher Ettridge) and Phoebe (Dervla Kirwan)

Season 4-6

L-R; Reg, Yvonne (Emma Amos), Gary, Phoebe (Elizabeth Carling) and Ron

It was a bit hard to get used to the new characters at the start of series 4, just because we were all so used to the previous actresses.
Personally I prefered Michelle Holmes as Yvonne. I felt that when she left Yvonne's character completely changed. Michelle could be bitchy but you still loved her. Whereas when Emma was being mean, I started to dislike her.
I liked both Phoebes but I think Elizabeth Carling has a slight edge on it. For some reason I liked her more.

To be honest, there isn't really a character that I did dislike in this tv show. Everybody had funny lines and there was always a time when you felt sorry for the character.

I won't spoil the rest of the plot but this is definitely a tv show that I would recommend. It's a great watch!
