Friday 10 February 2012

Anne Frank

My Auntie has just returned from visiting Aushwitz. i've always wanted to go there because World War 2 is a period in history that I'm extremely interested in.
The only experience I have had relating to WW2 is when I visited Anne Frank's House. Since studying WW2 in Primary 7+, I became engrossed with Anne's story. I bought her diary and read it in a couple of days. I have seen pretty much every adaptation of it. I know quite a lot about her!

When I went to Amsterdam last year, I got the opportunity to visit her ACTUAL house. We queued for about 20 minutes to get in; it was absolutely packed! I couldn't believe how large the building was! I always imagined her to live in the smallest attic ever but it was actually rather big (although still small for the amount of people who lived there). Sadly we weren't allowed to take photos which was a shame but oh well. The above picture is of the bookcase and the secret staircase. If I was any fatter I would not have managed to get up those stairs! Definitely made for skinny people!

It was fascinating to see the rooms that I have imagined so many times. I found the whole experience rather emotional. The worst part for me was the large picture of Otto Frank staring into the annexe. I just felt so sorry for him. He had lost his whole family because of one brainwashing man. Just shocking really.

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