Tuesday 21 February 2012

James McAvoy

I'm surprised I haven't blogged about this sooner. This time last week I was in a class at Uni when Nikki texts me to tell me that James McAvoy is currently filming Filth (by Irvine Welsh) on the Grassmarket. THE GRASSMARKET IS 5 MINUTES AWAY FROM MY UNI BUILDING!!

I couldn't skive Uni there and then because Tuesdays are always an important day (grr) but I went as soon as it had finished but sadly he was gone :( I was so sad that Seb took me to the pub and bought me a cider!

Anyway I knew that he was filming the next day so I thought I would chance my luck. I was supposed to meet my group at 10.30. My lecture was at 9 but I decided that I would just have a lie in and get the bus to uni (which I never EVER do). When I was on the bus, I realised that it stops right next to the Grassmarket so I obviously got off and went straight there! HE WAS THERE FILMING!!!
Oh my goodness I just stared and watched him for ages until I realised I would have to go meet my group (booo!).

After Uni I met my friend Nikki and because she hadn't seen James yet, we decided to go see if he was still there- and HE WAS!!!
We watched him for about an hour and we were going to go but thought nah let's just wait until the very end. THANK GOD WE DID!!!
I ran over to him and got my photo taken with him!!
This is how our conversation went:

Me: You're like my favourite actor!
James: You are very kind.
Me: .....on the floor....


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