Friday 20 July 2012

Welcome Home Edmund!

I've been begging my parents for years to get me a pet. I genuinely feel like I was the only person in school that had never owned a pet EVER. So you can imagine how super excited I was when my mum decided that I could get a hamster and the funny thing is, my parents actually adore him and dote on him all the time.

I was so lucky because there was only 3 hamsters left at Pets at Home and the other 2 were pure white and had blood red eyes. It was a shame but they were very creepy looking...

Running on his wheel.

He is such a shy little guy. After two days of just stroking him and talking to him, we took him out of his cage and we let him run around the floor. He ran all over my hands...ahh he's just so cute!

look at him in his tube sleeping.

I can't wait until he gets more confident with me! Also I posted the above photo on facebook and someone commented like 'it's not good for hamsters to climb up tubes!! hamsters have rights too'
so I looked this up and no where online does it state that it's not safe. ALSO, the pet shop lady pretty much said we had picked the best cage so...I just don't know.

I love him so much already!


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